incorporate your style!

Kali F Collection was inspired by plus size model BigSexz. She decided to take on her own journey building her own style in fashion. The name Kali F Collection came about by using BigSexz’s birth name Kalif. She wanted to create a brand collection that will cater to men and women alike.


     From 2015-2019 BigSexz took part in being a brand ambassador and spokesperson for multiple fashion companies. These companies include Ashley Stewart, Fashion Nova, Johntines Boutique, and many others. From 2017-2019 BigSexz created The Curvee Plus Thick Movement calendar collections. These publications displayed all plus size models and helped build a platform for women of a fuller figure. Her belief is that plus size women need be in the forefront as well others.


     While working on her fashion projects, she has always displayed and promoted looking clean and classy in your attire. BigSexz is very passionate about wearing hosiery and undergarments. In the last 4 years BigSexz pondered over creating her own hosiery line. Her passion is for women and men to look classy and smooth in their clothes. It was clear to her that it would take great thought to create a hosiery line that both women and men would love to wear.


     Kali F Collection will also feature other fashionable products as well. The hosiery collection is designed to help you incorporate your style in fashion. And this is only the beginning! So let Kali F Collection incorporate your style in fashion with her incredible collections!